Let's keep it simple

October 9, 2024

Again, I've rebuilt my website and my blog from "scratch". After 2 years, I made the conclusion that the website I built was to refraining me being productive.

Over-engineer you said ?

At first, I used a CMS as a Proof Of Concept, to deep dive in Next.js and GraphQL and try things. It was pretty fun building the blog with DatoCMS.

I learned a lot of things about TypeScript and GraphQL code generation.

I also explored the internationalization with Next and support 2 languages (english and french). It was quite simple with the next-intl library but it add an additional layer of work when I wanted to write something.

KISS: Keep It Stupid Simple

At my work, I like to use the KISS approach to limit the overhead of some projects. I've decided to to the same for my personal website and use MDX files for writting posts and write only in english (as a practical exercise).

If I want to write something, I can create some shortcuts to open a terminal with Neovim and a new file ready.

I used the portfolio starter kit and customize it a little with some Catppuccin colors.

Let's hope this help me writting more frequently !