Create an expo ReScript template

May 13, 2024

For many developers (of which I am a part), as soon as I met a repetable pattern, I have an irresistible urge to automate it.

Lately, I realized that was no expo template with ReScript up-to date that allow me to quickly start a sideproject or a POC. That's why I was interested in expo template creation.

Let's check out together the steps to realize the same template I made !

How it works

An Expo template is just an Expo app hosted on npm ! We just need to create a new Expo app with our criteria and publish our package !

Creation of our basic application

If it's not the case, you need to install expo-cli :

yarn global add expo-cli
# or
npm i -g expo-cli

We can now create our application :

expo init TemplateApp

We will choose the blank template for a minimal confguration.

Project configuration

It's important to configure correctly our package.json in order to publish our template on npm.

You need to make sure of several things:

  • Remove the filed private: true
  • Put an available package name
  • Add a licence
  • Fill the informations like the author, the description and some keywords

Now, let's setup ReScript.

ReScript Configuration

Let's install the essential package of a ReScript application. We need the React Native and React bindings.

yarn add rescript @rescript/react rescript-react-native
# or
npm i -S rescript @rescript/react rescript-react-native

Add to our package.json some handy scripts :

  "scripts": {
    "start": "expo start",
    "rescript:watch": "rescript build -with-deps -w",
    "rescript:build": "rescript build -with-deps",
    "rescript:clean": "rescript clean",
    "android": "expo start --android",
    "ios": "expo start --ios",
    "web": "expo start --web",
    "eject": "expo eject"

The ReScript scripts will must run on another terminal instance (in addition to the expo server).

Then let's continue with the configuration file bsconfig.json that every ReScript project has :

  "name": "expo-rescript-template",
  "reason": {
    "react-jsx": 3
  "bs-dependencies": ["@rescript/react", "rescript-react-native"],
  "bs-dev-dependencies": [],
  "package-specs": [
      "module": "es6-global",
      "in-source": true
  "sources": [
      "dir": "src",
      "subdirs": true
  "suffix": ".bs.js",
  "namespace": true,
  "bsc-flags": ["-bs-super-errors", "-bs-no-version-header", "-open Belt"],
  "ppx-flags": [],
  "warnings": {
    "number": "-44-30",
    "error": "+5"

As I wrote in the bsconfig.json file, the main source will be the folder src that we need to create. To that, we can add our entry point, the App.res file :

open ReactNative

module StatusBar = {
  @module("expo-status-bar") @react.component
  external make: (~style: string) => React.element = "StatusBar"

let styles = {
  open Style

    "container": viewStyle(

let make = () => {
  <View style={styles["container"]}>
    <Text> {"Open up App.res to start working on your app!"->React.string} </Text>
    <StatusBar style="auto" />

let default = make

All that remains is to modify the App.js file to expose our ReScript compiled code :

export { default } from "./src/";

Clean and publication

Our template is ready ! But before publishing it, we need to create .npmignore file so as not to publish useless elements in our template :


Finally, let's get to publishing ! If it's the first time you publish a module, you will have to login :

npm login

Then you'll be able to publish the project

npm publish

And voila ! You can now use this template when you create a new expo application :

expo init MyApp --template expo-rescript-template